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Ceramic Coatings & Wheels Off Detail

At this moment we currently offer 2 different types of paintwork ceramic coatings, a glass coating and also a wheel ceramic coating 


Ceramic coatings can be applied to any vehicle in any condition, however we really strongly advise that your vehicle is at least given a stage 1 minor correction detail. Because the ceramic will semi-permanently add an extra layer over the paintwork and that will lock in any imperfections, scratches or scuffs and this would not look the greatest. But that is up to you to decide 


If you decide that you would just like your car to ceramic coated then you would need to have a deep exterior clean, this would include a wash, decon using chemicals and then a clay bar treatment, followed by a panel prep wipe down which help in the ceramic bonding to the paintwork



  A 2 year ceramic coating applied to all the paintwork, giving you protection, incredible gloss and insane beading caplebilliates 


prices start from £150 


We also offer an even more durable ceramic coating giving you up to 5 years of protection


prices start from £250


this doesn't include any preparation work being carried out, please get in touch on which we can discuss in detail and find the right package for you

Wheels & Glass 

Alongside getting your paintwork protected we also offer a great wheel and glass coating packages


For us personally we think the wheels on a car can make or break it. So what better way then making sure they are fully protected and ready for whatever the road can throw at them. Prices below will include all wheels off and then given a full deep clean to ensure the coating can be applied properly 


For a 1 year package

its £150


For a 2 year package 

its £200


A glass coating can also be a great add on, giving you up to 1 year of protection to the windscreen and up to 2 years protection on all other windows​


For all windows 

its £40

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